Sunday, December 19, 2010

domination local search engines

The whole purpose of this marketing is to put your business in front of as many people as possible,
for as many "search terms" as possible, in your city and the surrounding cities, in Google and Yahoo, 24 -7! Below is one
of our clients. Just remember it doesn't matter what type of business you have or where it's located. This will work for "any" business in "any" city!

How many "search terms" in how many cities could you be listed for?
Here are just Google  listing for 1 of our clients
They also have top listings in Yahoo and Bing!

We will only offer this marketing for 4 listings, per business "type", per city. When all 4 are filled, there won't be anymore.
How much is it? For less than $25 a week you can dominate the search engines!
What do you want to dominate the search engines for?
We GUARANTEE a first page listings for at least 3 "search terms" in your city, in Google!
(Yahoo and Bing listings are FREE)
Are you ready to dominate the search engines?

call: Toll Free 877-500-1553
and leave your contact info and we'll return your call

Our "Google local internet marketing" MONEY BACK GUARANTEE!
If you have a web site, it will be in the top 5 of "Google local business listings", in YOUR city and the SURROUNDING cities, no matter if or where it's listed now and without changing your site! If it doesn't get at least DOUBLE the number of visitors, after being listed for 1 month, we'll refund your money! GUARANTEED !
If you don't have a web site, we will build you one and it will be at least in the top 7 in "Google local business listings", in YOUR city and the SURROUNDING cities, If it doesn't get at least DOUBLE the number of visitors, after being listed for 1 month, we'll refund your money! GUARANTEED!

The truth is, in September 2009, one of our clients had a web site and it was listed on page 9 in the Google "local business" listings and it wasn't listed on the first 20 pages in Google's "natural" listings. Today, they are #1 & #2 in "Google local business listings", in their city and 8 surrounding cities for 4 of the services they offer. In their first month they had over 2500 impressions! How many impressions did her web site have the month before we listed her? 0! Her web site was on page 21 of the "natural listings" and was on page 9 of the Google "local business listings"! She went from almost closing her doors because she had no new clients to 87 new clients in the first month! How many impressions and new customers did your web site produce last month? They also have FREE top 5 "generic" and "local" listings in Yahoo and Bing and who knows how many visitors they got from that? Don't you wish that was your business had effective "local internet marketing" like this? Well, it can! We GUARANTEE, there's not another Google local internet marketing company, that can get YOUR business, as many top listings, in as many cities, for as many services, for what we charge, or it's FREE! Why would we make such an unbelievable guarantee? Because we know they can't !

What if you were an Air Conditioning Contractor and YOUR business was listed in the top 3, in "Google local business listings", in your city and every city around your city for "new AC", "AC repair" & "AC Duct cleaning" ? Do you think you would have more business? Of course ! Our "Google local internet marketing " will work for ANY type of business, in ANY city! GUARANTEED!
We'll get YOUR web site listed "naturally" at the top so there's -
NO MORE buying the same "local internet marketing" your competition gets!
No MORE overpriced "monthly fees" to belong to a "list" and maybe get a top 10 listing!
NO MORE wasting money on PPC, just to get a first page listing!
NO MORE spending money, year after year for ineffective "local internet marketing" !

Can't thank them enough!

I started my own small business about 7 months ago and I couldn't afford to advertise. I had a web site made in exchange for some free services but it didn't get any visitors because it wasn't listed in the top 100 and no one could find it. Now, I am #1 and #2 in Google local business listings in my city and the 8 surrounding cities! I also have top ten "generic" listings in Google, Yahoo and Bing! I even have top 10 local listings in Yahoo and Bing for Free! In the first month I had over 2500 impressions which produced over 216 visitors, which gave me 87 new customers! Thank God, it enabled me to stay in business! I still can't believe that I am listed above some big companies with stores in every city where I am #1 & #2 and have been for the since October!
Thanks Judy Krutz

I didn't believe it at first but it's true!
I am a second generation general contractor and our family has had our business in the same location since 1969. I always used the phone book and other local print media to advertise my business. In November of 2008, I was convinced, by this Google local business advertising company that I needed to have a web site because the internet was the future in local advertising. He told me, I would only pay one time for their services and then it would be free and if they didn't get me top listings they would give me my money back. So I figured why not, none of the other advertising I was using was working. They built my web site and within 1 month, I had top 3 listings, for 4 of the services my business provides, in over 20 cities, in Google local business listings! It's been 5 months and I still have the top listings! In fact I have gotten more listings! I also have top listings in Yahoo and Bing! Just like I was promised, I paid for their advertising and haven't spent a cent in the last 4 months for these listings! I have given out more estimates in the last 12 month than I did the 12 month prior! This is without a doubt the most effective local advertising and the most cost effective advertising, I have ever used. There's no contest compared to the other expensive advertising I have been using for years. Do yourself a favor and check out what they have to offer. You won't regret it, I promise!
Thanks for everything Mark Maden

  • If I can show you proof, our Google local internet marketing has already made 2 of the top 5 listings, in a clients city and the 6 cities around their city, for at least 4 of their services, do you think we can get YOUR business listed at least in the top 5 in YOUR city and the surrounding cities?
  • If I can show you our local internet marketing has produced at least 2 of the top 5 listings, for 4 services he provides, in his city and the 30 cities around his city and has had more new customers in the last 2 months than they had in the last year from all the advertising they used combined, would you be interested?
  • If I show you ALL this, for FREE and prove our Google local internet marketing can do all we say, before you spend a cent and GUARANTEE YOUR business will have at least a top 3 listing, in YOUR city and the surrounding cities, whether you have a web site or not, would you be interested?
  • Don't be fooled by other local internet marketing companies who promise you a top "generic or local" listing! We GUARANTEE we'll get you listed for more services, in more cities, for less money, or it's FREE!

I don’t want to waste your time, so lets get right to the point. You’re here for one reason and one reason only! To find out if we can provide your business with the local internet advertising and local internet marketing it needs to generate the new customers your business needs! We're not going to promise you, that your business will be at the top of Google "local business" listings in "YOUR" city but we our Local Internet Marketing will put your business at the top of Google local business listings in YOUR city and EVERY surrounding city! Don't waste your time and money on PPC, local advertising Links or getting listed on hundreds of search engines that nobody uses! There are only 3 search engines your business needs to be listed in, Google, Yahoo and MSN (Bing)! If they tell you your business can't be in the top 5 in "Google local business listings", in your city and every surrounding city, it's because they DON'T know how to get you listed there! You'll even get top generic and local listings in Yahoo and MSN for FREE!

What if I told you, the companies who use our local internet marketing , has had more leads for new customers in the last month than they had in the 5 months prior, combined? What if I told you they have hundreds of search engine "search phrases" in the top 3 spot, in Google maps for their business, locally and have top spots in the generic listings too!? That's right, you can type almost any combination of searches related to their services and their business is in the top 3, locally and in the top 10 natural listings! The economy hasn't been any better, the ads they have in the phone books and monthly local papers haven't been producing any new customers! So what have we done for them to create all these new customers? Well, they just own Google, for their services, locally, that's all! And we can prove it ! This is the best local internet marketing and local internet advertising you will ever use! So what do you have to loose but new customers? It's free to check it out! You have never seen such powerful local internet marketing before!

Small business advertising isn't what it use to be! Money's tight, people are 'not spending like they use too. The internet advertising and other internet marketing you're using now, doesn't work like it use too. Maybe you already have a web site and it just doesn't get enough visitors to generate any new business! Is it listed on the first page in the "local business" or the top 10 listings? Maybe, you don't have a web site yet and are thinking about getting one to try to get new customers but your not sure it will work! The only way any web site will be beneficial for your business is if it gets enough targeted traffic to actually produce new customers. The visitors to your web site, have to be people who are looking for your product or service. Wouldn't it be nice if your web site had over a couple hundred new, qualified visitors every month? Well, our clients are averaging over 200 new visitors by the second month! These are "real" visitors, who live locally and are searching Google for their product or service.

Old time small business marketing like phone books, coupon books and monthly paper ads, don't work like they use too but you still have to keep paying every month or every year to keep them going! Your business needs to have a web site at the top of all the major search engine "local business listings" like Google "local businesses", Yahoo "local results" and MSN "local listings". You also need to have a listing in the "top 10, natural or generic listings", locally! This is the most effective way to maximize your Google local internet marketing and local internet advertising! Today because of the internet, potential new customers, are able to find anything in seconds using their computer and even their phones. This make "local business" listings and top 10 "local" listings more effective than ever and because there is not a "local business" listing for every city or search yet, you need to have listings in the top 10 local listings. What if a potential new customer were to do a "local" search in Google for your product or service and you had one or more of the top listings in the "local listings", do you think you would get more new customer? Of course! What if you had one or more of the top 10 local "natural" listings, do you think you would get more new customer? Of course! What if you had both a top 10 natural listing and a top local business listing, do you think that would produce even more new customers? Of course! This combination would be the most powerful local internet advertising and local internet marketing your business will ever use!
I will show you proof, that your business can have the top "Google local business listings" and a top 10 "natural or organic" listings at the same time, on the same page, in a local search! I will show you proof, that the combination of a top "Google local business listings" and top "natural listing", will make your competition, NO COMPETITION ! I will show you proof that you can have 2 or 3 different websites, connected together, selling your product or service, in the same local search, on the first page of both the "natural" and "local business" listings and I will show the proof for FREE! That's right, before you spend one cent, you will see how your business will dominate the search engines for your products or services, locally! I will show you proof, that you don't need expensive fancy web sites, overpriced video and audio to get top listings! I will show you proof, that the usual local internet marketing products, like PPC advertising, e-mail campaigns, link products or any of the other Google local marketing methods other companies are offering, are just a waste of time and money! The truth is, If you already have a web site, and it's been online for more than 1 month and it's not in the top 10, the company your using doesn't know how to get it listed in the top 10! I can show you several mistakes your web site has right now that will keep it from ever getting to the first page of the search engines! I will show you proof, that 70 to 100 % of the top 10 natural local listing are "lead brokers", who collect potential new customers information and sell it to local businesses or local internet advertising like the "superrpages" and how they can't compete with a company that has a web site listed in the top 10! Once you see the power, your business will have using our local internet marketing, you'll want to use it for your local internet marketing. We will show the proof for FREE and when were done showing you the proof, if your not convinced that it the most amazing local internet advertising you have ever seen, just walk away and it won’t cost you one red cent! Deal? Ask any other local internet marketing company to prove they can get you more business, before you spend a cent and see what they say

First let me ask you a question? Any type of advertising, is done for one reason! To get new customers! If a person knows what you do, where you do it and the name of your company you don't need to advertise to them. You need to advertise to the other 95% who DON'T know the name of your business, what your business does and where it's located. If someone is searching for a service online and they don't know the name of your business, they will type the service you provide! For example, lets say a person lives in Ft Lauderdale Florida and they need their AC repaired, they will go to Google and type "AC repair in ft lauderdale ". Do you agree? If you search for something on the internet, how do you search for it? If you were listed at the top of the "local business" listings in Google for "AC repair in ft Lauderdale", do you think you would get some calls from people who need their AC repaired? What if you were also at the top for "new AC" , "AC duct cleaning" and AC service plans" and not just in Ft Lauderdale but every city around Ft Lauderdale! Do you think you would have new business? Of course and we can prove it!

Google local internet marketing can be very effective for local small businesses. It can give them a way to compete with larger companies in the area. Most people think , you just hire someone to build you a web site and it will automatically get listed at the top. The truth is there is so much involved in getting top listings, "generic and local", that just building and submitting web sites to any search engine will not get you top listings. There are tons of "local internet marketing" companies out there today. There are many ways to obtain top listings but most of them use PPC. PPC (pay per click) advertising is used to get your business top listings but you are charged a monthly "fee".

You know what happens when you stop paying those monthly fees? Your top listings disappear. We take a whole new method towards "local internet marketing". We build you a web site or if you already have a web site we build a "landing page", which is a one page web site, that will get your web site listed at the top. The purpose it get top listings "naturally" which will eliminate any monthly fees! If it's done right, your business will have the top listing, even beating larger companies that have had the top listings for years! These listings could last 5 to 10 years! So you pay the initial cost and every year after your listing will be FREE! Natural listed web sites get and keep higher listings than PPC advertising for several reasons.

Generic listings in major search engines have historically been used for companies in a "world wide" search. A company that sells a product or service world wide wants to have top generic listings. You can still purchase PPC advertising but compared to "Google local internet marketing search" world wide PPC advertising can be so expensive. If you don't have everything right you could be losing money instead of making it. PPC advertising is sold in a couple of ways. You pay a price for every "click" sent to your web site, using keywords or keyword phrases. The cost of the keywords or phrases depends on how many other companies are vying for the same keywords.

In a Google local business listing search you could have a lower number of businesses competing for the keywords, so the cost for PPC will be lower but can still be expensive. In a world-wide search your competing with other companies all over the world for the same keywords, so obviously the cost will be much higher. The other form of PPC is less expensive but also less effective. You can pay a fee per 1000 impressions. These impressions are not as "targeted" as buying keywords or phrases. The impressions come from a number of sources. When you buy keywords, you get potential customers who typed that keyword or phrase in a search engine. When someone types your keyword or phrase in the search engine, they see your web site. Your listing will be in the order according to who pays the most for the keywords. Who ever pays the highest for the keyword will have the top listing.

So having top generic listings eliminate the PPC cost because they are listed naturally. Natural generic listings will never cost you a cent, no matter how many people click to visit your web site. When we do our local internet advertising for your business, along with the top "local listings" you will also get top 10 generic listings. Have you ever seen a local search where a business has #1, #2 & #3 in the local listings and #1 & #2 in the generic listings? We have already done this for some of our clients. We focus on Google local internet marketing but you'll also get top 10 generic listings.

Top generic listings are not easy to come by but if you build the web site right, you use for your " local internet marketing" in the local listings, you will automatically get top 10 generic listings in Google. The all you need to do is submit the web site to Yahoo, which usually charges a fee to get top "local internet advertising" listings and Bing (formally MSN) and you'll get top 10 generic and top local listings for FREE! Some companies will tell you they will submit your web site to hundreds of search engines. That's not necessary because 95% of the people searching online use either Google, Yahoo or Bing.

SEO is just one but still an important part of getting top listings. There are things "search engine" spiders or robots look for in web sites that help determine their ranking. Your site must have the right mixture to get a higher listings in both the generic and local internet marketing listings.. Abuse of "tactics" can result in lower listings or not even getting listed at all. There are many SEO companies that offer programs to check the SEO for your web site. It will check the relativity of your title, keywords and description of your web site. It will search for "image tags" and "alt tags" on your web page. Having high relativity and the right amount of tags and links can improve the ranking of your site.

When we build you a web site, we make it as "search engine" friendly as possible. Since most search engines index both generic and local internet advertising listings the same, the SEO will effect both. The problem with many web sites is, you would have to change a lot of their web site to achieve a better SEO. Most sites aren't built for SEO just for conversion. Conversion is great but if you can't get your site listed, preferably on the first page, no one will find your site. Many web site designers will tell their clients that their site needs to be impressive and need flash video and audio. This is the only way they will be able to generate new customers.

The truth is not everyone has the fastest internet service and most people won't wait for video to load and I've even heard from some people that the audio played on some sites is annoying. A lot of people are not patient enough to wait for video to load. If the web site they open, doesn't load immediately, they just "click back" and go to another site. They want to see what they are searching for "right now", right in front of them and they don't want to have to search around your web site to find information they are looking for. When it comes right down to it, it's the number of visitors your site gets that matters. It's a numbers game! For the total "impression" you site gets, you will get a percentage of visitors. From the percentage of visitors you will get a percentage who purchase. Some people will visit your sit 5 or 6 times before they purchase. Having video and audio is nice but not the most important ingredient, especially for a "Google Local Business Advertising" is having your web site in front of them every time they search for your product or service.

Let me say, it took many years of trial and error to figure this whole Google local internet marketing thing out. I'm ashamed to tell you how many :so-called" internet companies and "gurus" I joined up with to try to learn how to make money online but after years and years of empty promises, I convinced myself, the only way to really figure this whole thing out was if I did it myself. You know the old saying "If you want it done right, you have to do it yourself". Now your business can take advantage of my misery! You won't believe the difference having the top listing in Google local business listings will bring to your business.

There are only a couple question you need to ask any Google local marketing company before you hire them? Ask them to show you a worldwide listing, and a Google local business listing or local natural listing, that they have made in the top 5 and that IS in the top 5 right now, in in Google, Yahoo and MSN ? Ask them to show you a client who is listed at the top of Google local business listings, not for one but for 4 of the services or products they provide? Ask them to show you a client who is listed in the top 5 in their city and every city around their city? Ask them to show you a clients who has 2 of the top 5 listings in every city, of the county, for their business in the Google local business listings? Ask them to show you a client with a top 10 natural local listing? Ask them to show you a client, who's web site comes up at the top of the listings for almost any search that's related to their business, locally? Ask them to show you a business that used their local internet marketing, who has the top listing in the local search and the natural listings at the same time? If they can't, we can and we will show you proof, for FREE! Even more important, even if they could get your web site to the top of the search engines, what makes you think they could keep it at the top? Ask them to show you any web site they put in the top 5 and that is still in the top 5 for at least a year? Getting listed at the top of either the natural listings or the local listings is great but what's most important is that once you get listed there, can you stay there?

The most powerful Google local internet marketing is "local internet marketing" using "Google local business advertising" and top 10 natural local listings. The truth most local internet marketing companies, don’t know how to get your web site listed in the "natural" listings, at the top of the search engines, for a local search and I’ll prove it! If they can't get your web site to the top in the natural listings, what makes you think they can get you business to the top of the "local businesses" listings? If you have a web site, type your product or service, in your city and see if you're listed? For example, your business is "auto repair" and your business is located in "Ft. Lauderdale Florida", you would go to Google search bar and type "auto repair ft lauderdale florida". If you did and you had the top listing in the "local businesses near ft lauderdale florida" and a top spot in the natural listings on the same page, do you think you would have more new customer? You bet, you would! To compete now and in the future, your business needs to be on the internet and your web site needs to be easy to find. If you have a web site and your not on the first page of the search engines or the first page of the "Google local business listings", people won't find it, period!

I've heard all these promises before! I've heard it from the other local internet marketing salesman who sold us the ads in the phone book, the monthly local papers and even the Internet company who said they would make us # 1 in the search engines! So what makes you think you have the answers? Well, unlike the phone book, the local paper and the Internet company, who made you promises they couldn't keep, we can show you right now, for FREE, beyond a shadow of a doubt, our Google local advertising is 10 times more effective than all the local internet advertising you use now, combined! Period! We can make your competition, NO COMPETITION! All it will cost you is 5 minutes of your time and you'll see proof, that everything we claim is true! The question is, will your business be on the cutting edge, ahead of the curve or will you be using the same old ineffective internet advertising you use now? Remember, there are two types of people, those that did and those that wish they would have! Which one will you be? The small business marketing that explodes it's local internet marketing and internet advertising or the competition, trying to keep up?


  1. Amazing how simple it can be to communicate with people and have them understand a certain topic, you made my day.

    Local Internet Marketing

  2. Your blog is a good one.
